WhatsApp — the yays and nays

Manisha Jayson
4 min readApr 12, 2022

I would be very surprised if you ask me “What is WhatsApp?”, unless you are from another planet. If you are not, you are probably using this app, at least on an hourly basis. Instant messaging, audio and video calls, stalking your crush with the ‘last seen’ feature or waiting for that tick to turn blue, WhatsApp has revolutionised the texting space and is now a verb used in everyday life. ( “Please WhatsApp it to me”).

With over 2 billion active users worldwide, it provides a simple and secure means of communication. WhatsApp’s user base comprises people from all age groups and social strata. It is synonymous with ease of use and hence is wildly popular.

Thus, I would like to deconstruct this heavily used product and take you through five features each that I personally like and those I think can be improved.

User friendly features

  1. Desktop and mobile interoperability

This feature is a boon for two reasons. We may not be able to look at our phones while working on our laptops or desktops and may miss out on an important text. We may also require certain images or documents which are on our phones, to be used on our desktops and vice versa. Scanning a QR code and linking devices for interoperability solves both the above problems.

2. Backup

WhatsApp today is not just a messaging tool. It is also used for business purposes. Users send important documents and messages which may be required at a later point in time. Thus, while moving from one phone to another, I can backup my data and recover it easily. I can also move large files and videos with ease.

3. Blue tick and last seen

WhatsApp’s blue tick feature was a first in the IM space. This catered to a psychological user need to know if the recipient has read their message and not simply received it. While not all users prefer to have the ‘last seen’ feature enabled, it is an indication of one’s availability on the app. Based on these features, the user can set expectations as to within what time they can expect a response from the recipient.

4. WhatsApp widget

The widget is available on both Android and iOS devices and is useful to read the content of the messages without having to open the app.It is an indirect privacy feature as the blue tick does not appear even if the message is read.

5. Disappearing messages and end-to-end encryption

An added layer of privacy and security for WhatsApp users, which reassures them that their data is protected and is seen only for those whom it is meant to be seen.It is a plus that this covers text, audio and video messages alike.

Features that can be improved

  1. Note to self

WhatsApp does not have a self messaging / note taking feature like Slack, for example which can be used to jot down quick notes. Considering the popularity and time spent on the app, this feature will definitely increase user retention.

2. Users numbers seen via group chats

Unknown persons can get access to user’s phone number through the ‘view participants’ feature on group chats. Since the number is linked to a name or alias name, it is likely that those to whom the user does not wish to expose themselves, can fetch their phone number which is a grave privacy concern.

3. In app browser not present

Though WhatApp has claimed that this is in the works, the absence of an in-app browser currently makes the user go for an additional skip in the flow. The user is taken outside WhatsApp to an external browser to view certain links, which makes the user experience less seamless and prone to negative experiences especially when payments are involved.

4. Preview voice messages before sending them

Users feel more comfortable reviewing their voice messages first before sending it across to their recipients. This will help increase the usability of the voice message feature, which is helpful especially for those from certain backgrounds (illiterate, disabled, uncomfortable with tech ) and are not comfortable with typing messages.

5. Introduce engagement features like polling, quizzes

WhatsApp group chats are a platform for voicing opinions and decision making. This can be made more fun and engaging by being able to create polls and quizzes to narrow down preferences and arrive at a conclusion.

All in all, being a loyal WhatsApp user for the last seven years, I can say that it has definitely made messaging easier, light on the pocket and expressive ( using emojis, stickers and GIFs ). Enhancing it further would only provide its user base with an unmatched experience, which would help WhatsApp retain the top spot for the years to come.

